Sunday: The Day of Writers Block and Regret

For those of you just joining me (which is most likely everyone) good morning.
It’s Sunday. The weekend is basically over.
I’m hung-over, you’re hung-over, we’re all hung-over.

Hate me yet?

Being a writer makes being hung-over VERY difficult (side note: I have decided to OFFICIALLY call myself a writer because, who cares? And also, it makes me sound pretentious and hip as opposed to the “I haven’t put on pants or make-up in three days” situation that is my life). My problem is, I’m too busy composing the perfect “drunk text” when I’m downing my bottle of wine, that I don’t consider writing things that could make me money (AKA: my job) and taking Ernest Hemingway’s advice:

Write drunk, edit sober.

Now, apparently this guy wrote some stuff and did some things and knew how to put words together. I’m not saying I’m the female Hemingway-that’s not for me to say. That’s for other people to say. And an old guy at a pirate bar bought me a shot of absinth once so like, I get it, Ernest #ModestBrag.

But, right now, everything I just said is irrelevant. Thanks for the support though.

RIGHT NOW: I’m faced with the “what to write about question?” Remember in school when you’d have tests that you had to write an essay that would determine your future? That’s my everyday life, except it determines if I’ll be able to buy enough cheap wine to make me forget that this is the life I chose (please play a melodramatic song in your head while reading the last line).

Point being: It’s Sunday. I’m still in bed. Trying to figure out how to make an at-home IV to pump caffeine in my veins and thus be able to write enough TSM columns for the week to pay for my addiction to Taco Bell and bad decisions.

This, my friends, is called writers block.
Welcome to the world of a contributing writer. Isn’t it glamorous?

Fancy seeing you here.

Well hi there.
Nice of you to stop by.

If you don’t know me, join the club as I’m still trying to figure it out too. So no worries, you aren’t behind the times.

Maybe you read (and send hate/fan mail concerning) my articles on the college humor website, Total Sorority Move. If so, THANK YOU. And if not, then what exactly are you doing here? Stalker.

I’m going to be honest, this “blog” thing is throwing me for a loop. Who cares? YOU WILL. Once I win ya over.

And this? Well sorry if you read this. It was more of a practice blog to see how it showed up on my site. BUT since you spend the time to come here, I’ll leave you with an inspirational quote by the insightful Steve Martin:

A day without sunlight is like, you know, night.

Cheer to WordPress, Cheers to the weekend, and cheers to you reading my horrible little piece of floundering. Happy Saturday!